reCaptcha integration not working for comments widget

Hi, for the comments widget I turned on the reCaptcha integration for security on website. Site is a Godaddy website built with its builder. I followed tutorial, created reCaptcha keys in Google and copy/pasted into recaptcha integration window and connected. When attempting to submit comment with reCaptcha connected, the comment won’t submit… get error message “could not validate recapture - could not add your comment”. The integration has been disconnected for now so comments can be added. Without this turned on, site is vulnerable. What’s going on with this feature? Is there a fix?

@jodav5628 can you kindly share a link to your website?

Here is the website page link - Fast Blog

I’ve disconnected the reCaptcha widget so that comments could be submitted.

@jodav5628 can your reconnect it or create a test page so we can see the issue live?

I used a different website, but it’s still Godaddy website like the other one. I did not want to take a chance and set up the test in the LIVE site, since the comments display mode is turned off (couldn’t get that to work either :confounded: but that’s another topic).

So I created a new project, widget and new set of recaptcha keys for the “test” website just to keep everything separate.
Here is the page url - TestPage

@jodav5628 it happens because GoDaddy adding our widget in an iframe which prevents from the captcha to load since it don’t have the right domain.

Can you try this?

Followed the link and attempted the instructions. But did not see a section called SITE SETTINGS>SITEWIDE CODE. Called Godaddy … for their website builder, they DO NOT allow access to the header! :rage: Their solution was for me to pay one of their web admins to add in the code - NOPE! So, at this point it looks like nothing else can be done, unless you have another suggestion to get around this?

@jodav5628 unfortunately no, we don’t have any other solution :frowning: