My audio player widget is not looking good on mobile

I am using the player widget. I have embedded it in my squarespace site. On desktop the player is fine. On mobile, there is a big gap under the player. see screenshots.
when i am in my admin dashboard Sqaurespace site, there is no gap. So why when i publish it?
is there a way in the audio player customisation settings to set a mobile height? i can do a width but i dont see height.

How can I control the height of the player in mobile mode?

Hey @ghazwan_hamdan, if you embedded the widget with the iframe method, you’ll need to manually change the height on mobile. It’s preferable to use the embed code, not iframe.

You can learn more about it here:

hello thanks for that. I am using the embed code not iframe. but I am still having mobile issues with that gap under it. it does not make sense why there is a gap.

i would appreciate any help. page example here. if you view this on mobile, there is gap

any idea you have i would appreciate. thank you

Thanks for the info. I can see that the space on mobile is coming from the element in your website that wraps our widget, and not from the widget itself:

hello thanks for this insight. I really appreciate it. Is there anything I can do you think? or its a Squarespace issue. thanks again

@ghazwan_hamdan hmm, you can add our widget a negative margin-bottom, but basically it’s a Squarespace issue.