I need to request a refund, but after filling out the Contact Us form, it does not submit, and I get a “Request failed with status code 403” error.
Hey @Coach, can you share a link to your widget or website where we can see the issue live?
I meant your contact us form does not work. This is the message I tried to send to you:
Order #69968922-132028781 - widget is gone, no active subscription despite paying
Hi. I recently built
Are you referring to this page?
Where can we see the issue live? (of the disappearing widget)
You cant see the issue live, 1) because it disappears 2) you’d have to complete my research survey. If you’d like to, you can just falsify your responses and it’ll take about 60s. The share button should show in the end of survey box for “snowballing”. Link is: Testing the Strength & Conditioning Coach-Athlete Relationship (SCCAR) questionnaire
Here is the code:
Here is what you actually see:
The issue is not inside the software (Qualtrics) , I have already investigated that.
Thanks. I have to make multiple replies and I could only do one screenshot per reply.
Where are you based?
Australia… just typing more to meet the minimum 20 characters required to post
Are you sure that you contacted the right support? We’re commoninja.com and the form in the page that you shared isn’t ours
I know. I literally said that’s where the Commoninja Widget should show, at the end of my survey, in Qualtrics and gave you the URL. It’s also not a Contact Us page, it’s an End of survey page. I also shared the code, that shows the Commoninja widget, inside Qualtrics.
Sorry @Coach, I misread your message. I’ve tested the flow and it seems to be working for me:
Is there a specific scenario where it’s not working? Which browser you’re using?
I was using Chrome, and when I previewed, and published the survey, it never showed…