Chart border line thicker / balls size higher

Would be good to control the chart border line size and the balls, to make it thicker, more inside the new ui trends of data viz

Thanks for the feedback @Renan_Malato, can you share a reference for that?

Hi I could solve that yesterday, I did on custom CSS stroke width,

thank you

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Cool. Can you share that CSS? (for a reference)

path.highcharts-tracker-line {

.plugin-wrapper .highcharts-graph {
stroke: #1D2CF3;
stroke-width: 12;

with the line thicker the data labels were too close to the line overlaying the reading. And IDK why the control space options on data label menu wasn’t working. But this CSS transform made the numbers lift a little bit

.highcharts-data-labels {
transform: translateY(0px) translateX(70px);

For some way

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Cool. Thanks for sharing!