Video Carousel playing videos out of viewport

I have a WordPress page with six video carousels showing different aspects of a business, the number if videos in each category varies from two to ten. After a video is played if the user scrolls down to a different category the video from the previous category will continue playing. Is there a way to make videos stop when they’re out of viewport?

Hey @Aron_Lewis, not at the moment, but that’s a great idea for a feature we might add in the future :slight_smile:

A little confused I guess, was told it was possible just needed to post here. Is this not true? Should the request be placed elsewhere?

My intention was that we’ve added it as a feature request to our product team and we’ll add this feature in the near future :slight_smile:

Yes, that just doesn’t coincide with the screenshot I posted from another member of your team who told me to post here. In the screenshot Hadas from your team explicitly stated that “it is possible to implement that” in reference to my request. He then advised me to post in the community, which I did, now you’re telling me it’s currently not possible and that you might have it in the future.

Is Hadas just completely wrong here? Is it not possible to immediately implement a solution to have the video stop playing when it is out of the viewport? He did not say it was just possible to simply request the feature, which it seems like what you’re saying although I’m not completely sure. That is not relevant as he mentions implementation not the requesting of a feature to implement. He mentions he carefully checked with the team. So admittedly, I’m still very confused here.

Please see my comment above, it’s definitely possible and we’ve added this feature request to our internal lists. Hopefully we’ll be able to implement that soon.

Okay…I feel as if the word possible is the issue here. I feel as if i was clear that i would want to implement this immediately as it laregly affects the performance of the page. When vistors scroll the page videos at the top will mot stop playing.

So, if you tell me something is possible I’m working on the basis that you’ve taken time to give thought to my issue and that we are only discussing options that can be immediately implemented. You seem to be telling me its possible…one day. So to be clear is there a way to make this happen right now? Its great if your team considers it to be possible in the future but in response to my question that’s not exactly relevant.

Is there an immediate solution for this issue?

You know they have to code these things, right? Whether the word possible is used or not, it would take time to develop the new addition, as the widget would need to know where the viewport is. Know that what you’re asking is not a simple task and just have some patience :slight_smile:


Huh? Why should I have patience if I’m told I can already do something if I just ask in a different place? There’s a difference between being told sonething can be done by just asking elsewhere and a process needing to occur. This is obviously why the word “possible” matters. You’re mentioning a process which is good to know and the kind of context I was looking for. If you took patience and looked at the screenshot maybe you’d understand a bit more what’s going on here. Time needed to code shouldve been the intital response. Don’t come in here being dismissive while also telling me words don’t matter.

What seems to be going on is that the widget posses the capability to do what needs to be done after a process. However, it is absolutely not possible to have immediate implementation, which is the topic of discussion.

They told you multiple times that it is “possible” to be developed, including in the email.

If you are stuck on the word “possible”, lets go over what it means.

Possible - being within the limits of ability, capacity, or realization.

Example - “a possible but difficult task”

Possible is something doable with uncertainty. It is an action confound by limited context and/or achievability. Possible is not a promised thing. It is a likely thing.

So in the email, the responder replied with “possible” for the implementation of the function, and kindly informed you to only post requests into this forum. This is so that all requests go to one place (here) and avoids confusion.

I think you are stuck because of Daniels response mistakenly against your request. Please re-read the end of your first post. “Is there a way to make videos stop when they are out of the viewport?”,

to which Daniel replied -

“Not at the moment…”

That is a correct response, yes? Daniel is explaining that there is no such function right now, or else if there was, you would be using it right now. You are confusing Daniel’s correct statement to your question of if such a thing can be implemented.

I clearly asked in the screenshot before speaking with Daniel(as previously mentioned several times) if something was available,meaning ready to go.

Available- able to be used or obtained; at someone’s disposal.

I was given an answer in the affirmative with direction to post elsewhere (in the screenshot) from Hadas as I’ve mentioned several times. An answer that included no mention of time,coding,or development. It only says its possible(in the context of being available) and to just ask elsewhere. Keep in mind, I specifically asked if a feature was available for a reason. In relation to being AVAILABLE the word “possible” refers to something that can be done among already developed solutions. Further, it implies that a particular option or opportunity is accessible, given the current circumstances or resources, so without futher action at that moment. For example, if a service is described as “available” it means that it is immediately open to be utilized or pursued. Either something is available or not.Another example, If you want a sandwich and you bought one earlier on your way home, then you have a sandwich availble. If you didn’t buy one but have ingredients to make one then it’s possible for you to have a sandwhich available.

So yes, ultimately, “not at the moment”, is the correct answer but in this case it certainly cuases confusion because the messages are on aviailbility are conflicting. The immediate answer before, from a different team member(Hadas) was the exact opposite. Meaning, by the time I reach Daniel I’m under the assumption that the solution is available because that’s the basis of the original question to Hadas.

I don’t know what you dont understand or who you even are, which is the better question. Nevertheless, the start of this was question on availability not long term possibility. I’m trying to get to if this product in its current state is right for immediate needs of clients or not. I don’t appreciate what you’ve contributed here, it has not been helpful. I know what question I asked.

Also, no.

An approach like this would imply I assume I’m doing everything correctly at all times. Me not “using it right now” could’ve been a result of me doing something incorrectly. A feature can be available and a user can not take advantage for a variety of reasons including ignorance.

I’m sorry if you clearly asked if something was “available”, because you seemed to have purposefully cut that out of the screenshot, and only left the response, so there is missing context from the beginning. So connecting your definition of “possible” to the responses from the Commoninja team that stated it is “possible” to implementing this feature, all they would need to do is use the ingredients for a sandwich, and just make the sandwich, right? Except, coding widgets is not as easy as making a sandwich. If it was, I sure as heck wouldn’t be here. And on the topic of me, I don’t work for Commoninja, but this is a public forum and I am allowed to reply to your thread. I thought I could help, but clearly I think you just want to dig this hole further, so with that, good luck and good bye.

Hahahahah huh? For the 100th time look at the screenshot. Man… here I’lll help you, I’ll pull the text and make it real easy for you, sir. Also, quit downing the hard work of good sandwich makers, bet you can’t do it. What is currently availble are ingredients to get it done,plain and simple, it’s not availble. Nothing wrong with that,reality is reality. I never asked a sandwich to be made for me, I asked about availbility, you have provided no help,spent the whole time caping and wasting time. And, you’re not that great at connecting concepts! I never said anything was easy. I commented on the difference between types of progress, YOU introduced the idea of me thinking its easy, stop doing that,please. Anyway…

Screenshot text extracted below including context that you say I"purposefully cut out". You’ve sounded ridiculous all day. So see below,do better, and apology accepted:

Your request (21853) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.
Hadas (Common Ninja) Aug 5, 2024, 21:30 GMT+3
Hey Aron,
I hope all is well.
After carefully checking with the team regarding your request, “Is there a feature available to make the video stop playing once it is out of the viewport and another category is in the viewport?”–it is possible to implement that. However, please open a request on our community platform so the team can address it: Common Ninja Community.


What is wrong with you? I’m not digging a hole I’m assesing a product as I’ve mentioned. If what I need isn’t availble then I guess I’ll have to look elsewhere. Thanks for your help.

BTW, never wanted to be on a public forum hearing from the likes of you which is why I emailed about availbility only to be told I HAD to post it here to talk to the team.

You are so lost, it’s really sad.

You literally ignored simples sentences thand words at I referenced several times today until i had to put it in front of my face. You claim things to be purposefully cut out that were right in front of you. I’m not the lost one.

Minding your own business is one of the greatest skills one can have.

You know, you’re right. I should’ve stayed out of it. I feel like I lost so many brain cells.

Maybe you “purposefully cut them out”

Wow. You really deleted a better comment to say that.

Yes because i don’t appreciate being accused of lying.

Wasn’t my intention. Goodbye now.