Three Widgets Not Working

I’m new to Common Ninja and have been creating this page, but none of the widgets are working. There are three widgets on this page: Map, Image Accordion (Africa section), and Podcast (Africa section). I’m not sure what to do.
Here’s the page: Annual Report 2024 - Interactive Page

The crazy thing is that the widgets are working on this page: Map Test

The widgets seem to be working for me on the page that you shared (Slack):

Which browser you’re using Do you see any errors?

I’m using Chrome. They are working for me on the second link, but not on this link: Annual Report 2024 - Interactive Page

Hi @eeames
It looks like you’re using the Raw HTML Module on Brightspot to embed our widgets. However, it seems that this module is set to appear “behind” other elements (z-index=-1) in the Brightspot CMS.
This is likely why the “Read the Full Article” button on that page is inactive.

I would suggest reaching out to Brightspot to see if this setting can be changed.

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I did not think that would be an issue. I can override that in the CSS. And… it’s working! Thanks again.

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@eeames That’s great. Just for future reference, is the z-index: -1 an attribute that Brightspot applies to the Raw HTML Module?